I made this cake for my boyfriend Jay's mom's birthday, which is today. Happy Birthday Mrs. Hribar!! I really wanted to use some of the fondant shape cutters that I got for my birthday, so I thought this would be a good opportunity. I decided on the daisies because they're a little more sophisticated than the "funny flower" shape cutters that I have (and love). Also, this was the first time I got to use my pearl dust, which you can see best in the closeup picture. I laughed a bit cuz I thought it made the cake look like Edward Cullen's skin, which worked out great cuz Mrs. H is a HUGE Twilight fan. Unfortunately when I was putting it into the box I was transporting it in, I smushed the letters on the top. I felt like an such a moron. The rest of it was fine and you could definitely still read what it said, but it was stupid nonetheless. So, here is what your cake was SUPPOSED to look like Mrs. Hribar :) Hope you had a great birthday!!
In other (good) news, I just got asked to make the cake (well, cupcakes) for my Aunt's neighborhood's holiday party, aaaaaannnnddd they're paying me!! (so does that make me a professional??) Very exciting stuff! I feel like a legitimate cake decorator now! Bring on The Food Network!